Nanci Morris Lyon

Nanci Morris Lyon

Nanci Morris Lyon is co-owner and operator of Bear Trail Lodge, was brought up north because of her love of fish and the small town feel of King Salmon and the Naknek river. She has been a fishing guide in Alaska since her early 20s. After spending years learning from the Bristol Bay environment and its people, Nanci saw a need for the local lodges and an opportunity for the local youth and passes her knowledge on to future generations as the lead instructor and one of the original founders of the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide academy.

Appears in 1 Episode

#34 - Nanci Morris Lyon - Owner, Bear Trail Lodge

Nanci Morris Lyon is a pioneer in the fly-fishing world. She's a decades-long champion for Bristol Bay and she's a good friend to SWYL host, Mark Titus. Nanci housed a...

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