Seth Zuckerman

Seth Zuckerman

Seth is co-author of A Forest of Your Own: The Pacific Northwest Handbook of Ecological Forestry and Executive Director of Northwest Natural Resource Group for NNRG. Seth has spent the last 25 years as a practitioner in West Coast forests and watersheds, and as a writer, telling the stories of people’s relationships with the rest of the natural world. His roots are in northern California, where he directed the Wild and Working Lands program for the Mattole Restoration Council, collaborating with private landowners in realms that included light-touch timber harvest, fire hazard reduction, and invasive species control. He came to the Northwest in 2013 in search of steadier precipitation. He holds an A.B. in Energy Studies from Stanford University and an M.S. in Energy and Resources from the University of California at Berkeley. Seth’s favorite thing to do in the forest is to forage for delectable mushrooms.

Appears in 1 Episode

#57 Seth Zuckerman - Author + Northwest Natural Resource Group

Seth is co-author of A Forest of Your Own: The Pacific Northwest Handbook of Ecological Forestry and Executive Director of  Northwest Natural Resource Group or NNRG. S...

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