#45 Woody Tasch - Founder of the Slow Money Institute + Beetcoin

Woody Tasch is the founder and chairman of the Slow Money Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to catalyzing the flow of capital to local food systems, connecting investors to the places where they live and promoting new principles of fiduciary responsibility that bring money back down to earth. Since 2010, via local Slow Money networks in dozens of communities in the U.S. and a few in Canada, France and Australia, over $57 million has gone to 632 small, local and organic food enterprises. Tasch is former chairman of Investors’ Circle, a nonprofit angel network that has facilitated more than $200 million of investments in over 300 early-stage, sustainability-promoting companies. As treasurer of the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation in the 1990s, he was a pioneer of mission-related investing. He was founding chairman of the Community Development Venture Capital Alliance. Utne Reader named him “One Of 25 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World.”

In this episode, we talk about completing capitalism as opposed to punishing it, the slow money movement, playful visionaries, allegiance to land as an act of healing and Woody's upcoming work.

For more information about what Woody's up to, check out www.beetcoin.org.

Save What You Love with Mark Titus:⁣
Produced: Emilie Firn
Edited: Patrick Troll⁣
Support wild salmon at evaswild.com

Creators and Guests

Mark Titus
Mark Titus
Mark Titus is the creator of Eva’s Wild and director of the award winning films, The Breach and The Wild. He’s currently working on a third film in his salmon trilogy, The Turn. In early 2021, Mark launched his podcast, Save What You Love, interviewing exceptional people devoting their lives in ways big and small to the protection of things they love. Through his storytelling, Mark Titus carries the message that humanity has an inherent need for wilderness and to fulfill that need we have a calling to protect wild places and wild things.
Woody Tasch
Woody Tasch
Woody Tasch is the author of Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money: Investing as if Food, Farms, and Fertility Mattered (Chelsea Green), SOIL: Notes Towards the Theory and Practice of Nurture Capital (Slow Money Institute), and AHA!: Fake Trillions, Real Billions, Beetcoin and the Great American Do-Over (Slow Money Institute). Tasch is former chairman of Investors’ Circle, a nonprofit angel network that has facilitated more than $200 million of investments in over 300 early-stage, sustainability-promoting companies. As treasurer of the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation in the 1990s, he was a pioneer of mission-related investing. He was founding chairman of the Community Development Venture Capital Alliance. Utne Reader named him “One Of 25 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World.”
#45 Woody Tasch - Founder of the Slow Money Institute + Beetcoin
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